Always Small Groups.
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Past Life Regression. In-Person only. Maui, Hawaii
July 15 at 5:30 pm. $95.00 per person. Space is very limited
Are you interested in past life regression hypnotherapy just for fun, or to help you uncover some memories from a previous life that may help explain a current belief or behavioral pattern?
Whether you participate out of curiosity, to see who you were in the past, or are looking for a path for personal growth and healing. To enable you to get the most out of your session, as always it is important to have a specific ‘intention’.
As this is an in-person experience there is limited seating.
Feelings versus Emotions. Virtual
July 20 at 5:00 pm $50.00 per person
Many people use the terms “feeling” and “emotion” without realizing what each one is and how different they are. While they have similar elements, there is a marked difference between feelings and emotions.
Think of feelings and emotions as closely related, but very individual. Basically, they are two sides of the same coin.
When we understand the difference and know which one can be changed and updated it helps us move forward, be more self-aware, and to be able to live our lives in the way we want as the adult we are today.
To Register and for more Information please contact Wendy
Both these sessions are individual journeys
supported by the energy and sharing of the group.
As always confidentiality and kindness will be a condition of participating.